Companies we’ve worked with

"We can't thank you enough for taking the time to train and support our team of health professionals. I can attest that Nicolette is an excellent health educator and that she gets results. She knows nutrition and human biology intimately. Nicolette is by far the most energizing and engaging speaker I have ever met."

Fysio Affiliates | New York, USA

"I attended a presentation at my workplace during health and safety week. I had no idea the lasting impact Nicolette’s presentation would have on me. Instead of the usual “stretch at your desk” type tips, I was introduced to the concept of true optimal health. I realized that my status quo view of “healthy” was not enough in this day and age. I accepted colds, migraines, fatigue, and food allergies as a part of my life. Shortly after her presentation, I explored and implemented her recommendations and saw a positive transformation. It is not ok to accept feeling anything less than fantastic. I now believe that we can enable our bodies to heal and that we can unlock this power by incorporating certain habits in the routine of our modern busy lives."

-Ellen We, CEO, Spark Kombucha Inc. | Squamish, Canada

“We support families with children with neurologic conditions, and we were blessed to work with Nicolette Richer. She was the keynote speaker for our annual fundraising gala, and we appreciated that Nicolette worked with our team to understand our organization’s mission. Nicolette was flexible and always available, and her presentation left our guests powerfully impacted. We would greatly recommend her to any organization.”

-Who is Carter Foundation | Kansas, USA

“There are few people with comparable positive energy to Nicolette. My experience of her as a speaker and workshop facilitator can be captured in a word: inspiring. Her storytelling ability paired with her willingness to be open and vulnerable is such a beautiful combination. I always enjoy my time connecting with Nicolette, be it about work, life, or play. Thank you for being the shining bright light that you are! The world of health, wellness, nutrition, and beyond is so much better for it.”

-Charlene Lo, Hollyhock | Canada

"Our senior management team lost 87.2 pounds, 39.7% body fat, and 45.87 inches! Thank you for taking the time to educate us and bringing delicious food. Your presentation was amazing! I look forward to a long and successful Anthem and Richer At Work and Green Moustache future!”

Anthem Properties

“As Premier of the Province of BC, I would like to thank you for joining Minister Bruce Ralston and me for the Business in BC Roundtable. It was stirring to hear from business leaders who are so committed to setting new standards for social and environmental performance. Your bold ideas for doing business differently were inspiring to me. Thank you for sharing your stories and your challenges. Your work makes important contributions to BC. Our government is committed to making life better for everyone, and I want to thank you for everything you do in your community to make BC a great place to live and work.”

-John Horgan, Former Premier of British Columbia

“Our team and guests loved every minute of Nicolette’s workshop on the transformative power of nutrition for mental and physical wellbeing. She’s a dynamic, engaging, and powerful speaker who motivates and inspires people to take action and get results. We’ve since brought Nicolette on as lululemon Ambassador so we can support her in her huge goals to help communities reverse chronic diseases through eating traditional whole foods. We encourage you to work with Nicolette if you want to help your organization or community thrive.

-lululemon | Whistler, Canada

“The Lunch and Learn session with Nicolette was outstanding and perfectly aligned with our vision of becoming a healthier group over the next 3-5 years. We all learned a lot, and what’s truly exciting is that we each took a simple action today by trying out her food suggestions. We enjoyed discovering the straightforward steps we can take for positive change. I was so thrilled to commit to a full health investment for our entire team.”

-Rocco A. Carriero Wealth Partners



    "It's been how many years since doing Nicolette's program, and I'm still healed from endometriosis and chronic pain, and every year I continue to feel better and better. The program is more than just about food; it's helped me grow so much as a person and as a mom, and I'll never stop living this way as my hormones are better regulated now than when I was younger."


    "Nicolette Richer not only makes the science of healing and long-term health easy to understand, she breaks it down into very consumable chunks (no pun intended). Every bit of what she recommends has been thoroughly researched and tested. This is not a fad diet. This is for real! And it works. Her mission to help you heal your body is sincere and from the heart.”


    "I was having trouble with my mobility, and my mental health was in disarray. I am like a new person and I owe so much to the Alinker Bike and Nicolette’s program. My husband couldn’t keep up with me. I have been taking it to concerts and the grocery store (keep in mind that I have been housebound for a couple of years) I took it to the coast again for my daughter’s birthday and buzzed around all of the shops and the cheesy wax museum. Before, I’d be down and out for days after most of these activities. Not so anymore. Changing my diet changed my mental state and helped me start recovering. My husband is dumbfounded by my continuing improvement. I took a medication a few years ago for my MS that destroyed me, and with this group, I have completely transformed my life.”


    "I experienced a remarkable transformation with Nicolette's program. Within weeks, I felt more energized than I had in years, witnessed a reduction in Graves’ disease symptoms, and saw my thyroid issues improve significantly. The course has provided me with numerous benefits, including better sleep, stronger muscles, clearer skin, and a newfound freedom in my relationship with food. I'm grateful for lifetime access to the materials and excited to share my enthusiasm with my 79-year-old dad, who's also experiencing amazing results, with his arthritis reversing, increased vitality, and newfound passion for daily walks and playing the piano again! Nicolette’s program is truly life-changing.”


    "I have healed so many incurable disorders that I have had (some my whole life) that it’s unbelievable. From 3 blood/bleeding disorders, no more dislocations, low thyroid gone, severe gastroparesis gone, fibrocystic breast disease gone, fibroids gone, gum disease gone, Raynauds gone, anxiety and depression gone, herpes gone, food sensitives gone… there are about 40 things that have either gone or improved, it’s amazing! Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you Nicolette, as you were one of the reasons that I embarked on this natural healing journey.”


    "Now 8 weeks in. Just had my first medical update yesterday. After 8 weeks, pre-diabetes was gone, blood pressure from 150-160 most days down to 116 average, cholesterol back to normal, fatty liver disease reduced, and from 285 to 246 weight. My knees are better, foggy brain is gone. I will now restart this journey from day one, with my best friend who has just come out of stage 4 cancer surgery. I have made it my mission to bring this program to him and help him accelerate the healing process with food. Life happens for a reason and this program has landed in my lap at possibly the greatest time for him. Here to restarting the program to save another. If you fall off the path, get back on again and keep going. here is no failure, just road bumps to get around. Food can heal the body.”


    "Thank you Nicolette for coming into my life. I am so grateful, especially at this time in my life of desperately wanting a family. I miscarried multiple times before I met you and was told I could never have children. Because of your program, support, knowledge, and inspiring me to advocate for my health, I now have a four year son! A dream come true. Thank you!”


    "When I convinced myself to give life one last shot, I was on TONS of medication and in constant pain. That's when everything changed. Nicolette, I hope you realize the work you do is responsible for me still being here on this beautiful, bountiful Earth. I'm truly living, grateful beyond measure for this incredible gift of knowledge and resources. This has changed everything for me AND my children.”


    “I felt happy and connected with people who inspired me to be better and healthier. I was suffering from depression and loneliness, and this program gave me my life and enthusiasm back. I had a sense of belonging, my energy and good mood were all over my daily life. My attitude toward work is more positive and I feel younger and youthful.”


    "When I joined Richer Health’s program, I was excited to learn more about nutrition, but what I did not expect was to solve most of my health issues. My eyes have been opened to a whole new world, and I never want to turn back. I've learned how to care for myself and how to set my body and mind up for long-term health success. Nicolette is an amazing teacher and leader.”

Unlock the potential of your team with Richer at Work’s transformative corporate wellness program.

Ready to transform employee health and elevate performance?

Schedule your Lunch and Learn session. This is your chance to connect directly with Nicolette and discuss how we can support your company’s journey to better health, happiness, and success.