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nicolette richer

CEO & Founder of
Richer Health Consulting LTD.
Green Moustache Organic Cafes inc., and
Author of EAT real to heal

Let’s talk about:

  • Reversing 97% of Chronic Diseases using Plant-Based Whole Food as Medicine

  • Metabolic Diseases + Metabolic Nutrition

  • Decolonizing Our Plates and our Sick-care System

  • Reducing Employee Presenteeism and Increasing Workplace Productivity.

  • Reaching Optimal Health through Eat Real to Heal Lifestyle.

  • Creating a Workplace Culture that Values Supporting Employees in Eradicating their Chronic Diseases and Mental Health diagnoses

  • Food Security + Sovereignty

  • Health Disparities among Indigenous, Black and People of Colour

  • Eradicating Chronic Inflammation and Pain with a High Carb Diet - Why Keto Kills

  • PBWF Endurance Biking, Running + Training

  • 22 Million Strong Cross Canada Tour


Meet Nicolette

Dr. Nicolette Richer, DSocSci, is a serial entrepreneur, author, PBWF endurance athlete, Chronic Disease Reversal Specialist, podcast host, speaker, lululemon Ambassador and most importantly, a mom of three world-shaking girls.

A savvy wellness expert, Nicolette is on a mission to eradicate 22 Million cases of chronic disease by 2030. Over the past 18 years, she’s helped thousands of people reverse their diagnosed chronic diseases using metabolic nutrition, detoxification, and cellular regeneration.

Nicolette has spoken globally to captivated audiences on how to Eat Real to Heal and has even personally catered for Tony Robbins and his Platinum team.

Check out her businesses here:

Nicolette has created a multitude of services and programs to reach her mission of teaching 22 million people how to eradicate their chronic diseases using food as medicine. With 25+ years as an international speaker, including a TEDx talk and successful Dragons’ Den appearance, 18+ years as a Chronic Disease Reversal Specialist, named a Force for Good by Tony Robbins, and years researching the connection between the microbiome, obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, mental health, infertility, CF, cancer, autoimmune illnesses, and more - Nicolette is equipped and ready to help you and your audience achieve optimal health.

as seen on:


What if Medical Schools were called Health Schools?

"Symptom, diagnosis, drugs. The current medical system isn't working. Orthomolecular health educator, Nicolette Richer, makes a provocative case for a new health care system that begins with reimagining medical schools."


A family hopes to squeeze a juicy deal out of the Dragons for their fresh franchise.

"When Whistler's Nicolette and Pierre Richer appeared on Dragons' Den on Feb. 8, they came away with a great offer of investment in their company The Green Moustache. They went in seeking $350,000 for 15% of the fresh-and-local vegan food company, which was founded in 2013."


4 New Reasons To Visit Whistler Right Now

"Sate Your Appetite On or Off the Mountain. Down in the village, the tiny vegan café The Green Moustache starts your day right — or fuels you up in the afternoon — with fresh juices and smoothies, salads, light meals, and raw desserts."


Grounded In My Roots Documentary | BEST HEALTH & NUTRITION FILM

Grounded in My Roots was recognized as the “Best Health & Nutrition Film” during the International Vegan Festival 2022 held November 5th in Ottawa, Canada, and received an official selection in the Maui Film Festival 2022.

With a tenacious entrepreneurial attitude, Nicolette Richer has dedicated her life to learning and teaching that food is medicine. Taking time away from her entrepreneurial endeavors, she travels to her homelands of Malawi, which equally becomes one of her most difficult realizations and her greatest blessing.



  • Completes 22 M BC Tour - Cross Canada Bike + Run Tour kicks off June 2023

  • Trailer for Food Of Our Ancestors Documentary Released

  • Grounded in My Roots Short Film released + receives official selection at Maui Film Fest

  • Decolonizing Your Plate released

  • PBWF Chef Course released



  • Franchises Green Moustache Organic Cafes

  • Delivers TEDx Talk

  • Starts PhD: Decolonizing our Food Systems: Barriers to Accessing Foods that Reverse Chronic Disease

  • Opens up Richer Health Retreat Centre




  • Completes Pre-med Courses and passes MCAT - gives the thumbs down to Med School

  • Births 3 Amazing Daughters

  • Certified as a Psych|Kinaesthetic facilitator


  • Certified Gerson Therapy Trainer

  • Completes Masters in Environmental Education and Communications from Royal Roads University

22 million strong tour 2023

  • My best friend’s dad, Bill Nasby at 72 yrs of age, was diagnosed with stage IV metastasized cancer with 3 months to live and no conventional treatments offered. He did the Gerson Therapy, a strict metabolic nutrition + detox lifestyle and lived another 22 years, dying peacefully at 94 years young.

    His successful cancer remission kicked off my obsessive research into the medical literature which proves that real food is medicine. And Richer Health was born.

  • Great question! And the #1 question I get asked on every podcast.

    Food as Medicine means that real food - NOT refined, processed, packaged so called “food” - contains all the necessary and vital nutrients that have the ability to prevent, arrest and reverse 97% of chronic diseases and even genetic diseases too.

    Food as Medicine also means that when the body is hyper nutrified, it will properly detoxify and will also self regenerate and self heal. This is just basic science taught in every 1st year university biology, biochemistry, and chemistry book on the planet.

  • #1 is lack of proper nutrition awareness and skills training. There’s only one ‘diet’ that keeps the majority of humans FREE of chronic disease the longest - and that’s a fresh, minimal toxins, unrefined, nutrient-dense, whole-foods, mostly plants lifestyle. Phew - a mouthful - but completely doable in today’s modern food age.

    #2 is that we spend over 3.6 Trillion dollars annually in North America treating 100% preventable and reversible chronic diseases - this is going to bankrupt our economies while millions of people die fully preventable deaths and millions more lead lives with chronic pain and mental health conditions.

  • Love what you do.

    Do what you love.

    Eat plants - Everyday.

    Sleep by 10 PM.

    Move my body in ways I love everyday.

    Love unconditionally.

    No attachments.

    Know the obstacle is the way.

    Be of service to others.


    Take risks.

    Love, Love and more Love.

    Remember Memento Mori every second.



Ask me!

Podcast agents: Princess S